
靖苏、楼诚、凌李+衍生 通吃的喵一只! :3


《一世真》中英翻译 CH. 6


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其实在翻译的过程中我也会反复推敲,过几小时用不同的心境来修改一遍,也会有校对的小天使。。所以语法来讲肯定是百分百正确的(在备考的姑凉们可以放心看hhh),其余的遣词造句嘛就是50%个人喜好+30%力求原文意境+20% whatever sounds good. 中英文表达方式本就不同,既然先入为主了看了中文原文就会对任何其他语言的译文有不适应感这也是自然的,不过还是请姑凉们随便看看开心就好啦,我自己翻着也就是图个自娱而已 ^_^ 

前文走 CH.1 CH.2  CH.3  CH.4  CH.5 



The day before Lin Shu leaves for the East Sea, Jingyan says tentatively to him, “I will have dinner prepared, so if you can come.....”


“Screw curfew, of course I'll find a way to come!” Lin Shu interrupts. “Remember to get me good wine!”




During the day Lin Shu is spending time with his teacher Li Chong, Jingyan sits in his courtyard waiting for his friend until sunset, then well into the cold night.


It is near the end of winter, the plum blossoms are all but gone, with the last vestige of lingering fragrance in the garden.


So this is goodbye.


The emperor will no doubt delay the marriage between Lin Shu and Nihuang for as long as possible. The next time Lin Shu returns to the capital, he would not be the same Jingyan anymore. Perhaps now is a good time to say goodbye, while he is still that familiar and innocent Jingyan.






Jingyan turns his head and sees his best friend dressed in a full suit of armor-- he has come before his departure at sunrise.


“Sorry I am late, Father and I had a long conversation before I left. Why are you sitting outside in the cold?” Lin Shu strides towards him, his scarlet cape billowing behind him, scattering the pale moonlight.


This is the Lin Shu he knows, the brilliant Vice Commander of the Chiyan army.


Lin Shu grabs a jar of wine on the ground and empties the whole thing. “Ahh, you are the only one that knows me. I can't bare to have breakfast at home and watch my mother cry. Great wine! Ok, off I go!”


He grabs Jingyan's hand to embrace him when he notices how cold the other person is-- the kind of cold after hours of sitting in the chilly night.


“Come,” Lin Shu drags him inside.


As soon as they close the door, Lin Shu enfolds Jingyan's body tightly against his own, his face against the other boy's neck; he places Jingyan's hands onto his own chest, while peeling off their outer layers.


Jingyan freezes in surprise, but makes no moves to stop him. He almost forgot, they used to be so intimate with each other in their youth. At the time, he didn't think twice about it might have meant, but now he realizes that perhaps even then, their feelings for each other have long surpassed simple friendship. Yet in their last life fate did not give them the luxury of time to comb through their hazy attraction.


Not in this life either.


After a long embrace, they rest their foreheads together, breaths hitching. Lin Shu watches the face inches from his own, he can see the universe reflected in those eyes. He lowers his head and caresses the other person's forehead with his lips. He cannot pin his hand on it; after coming back from Cliff Mei, Jingyan's gaze has gained something inexplicable: like he is looking at something or someone else when he is looking at Lin Shu.


Other times, he stands silently on the side, the perfect observer of the people and things around him. As if etching everything into his memory, as if preparing for an inevitable goodbye before an endless journey.


Lin Shu tightens his hold on the other boy. He can almost feel his heartbeat.






“When I went to visit my teacher, he gave me his treasured jade cicada. Father told me that he will soon take a few branches of the Chiyan army to go to the Western borders. He also told me not to tell Brother Qi about Cliff Mei.”


Jingyan nods in agreement. If their benevolent Brother Qi ever found out that his own Father wanted to kill him, his pure heart and filial loyalty--so rare in the royal family-- would crumble into nothingness.


The emperor Lin Xie wished for, the emperor Lin Shu desires, the emperor this country needs is not one that swings the blade of suspicion upon his family without a second thought, but one that is fair, kind, and gentle.


So Brother Qi must not change. Then let him--Xiao Jingyan--let him change.


The irony is that in those thirteen years after the Chiyan army fell, he never once bowed down to fate, but now he will. 




“Jingyan, say, what will we be like in ten years?”


“Alive, you are alive, and so am I," comes the quick reply. 


“Of course!” Lin Shu laughs at the simple answer, not knowing that it's Jingyan's deepest wish. This Lin Shu has not seen the fire at Cliff Mei, so he has no idea what kind of vow Jingyan made to himself when he said those words. It is the most iron-clad vow, yet the most brutal one to himself.


Those years ago, when he was still a Prince, he was willing to sacrifice his bid for the throne in order to save Wei Zheng. 


Now the stakes are much higher: Lin Shu, Brother Qi and the entire Chiyan army.


If it takes one life of Xiao Jingyan, fair trade.




“After we came back from Cliff Mei, you had the chance to return to the East Sea right away without risking punishment, but you chose to come back to face the anger of the Emperor. Jingyan, I know why you wanted me to go to the East Sea in your stead.” Lin Shu pierces his best friend with a knowing gaze, the horse reins in his hands and ready to depart, "You wanted to preserve me and the Chiyan army."


The seventeen-year-old boy continues in a slow and clear voice, as if delivering a promise, “No matter what happens in the future, I will never betray you.”

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